We all go through periods of
monotony, days that seemingly slip into the next with no apparent life altering events intervening with the norm. The key word here is "seemingly", because life altering events are happening around us every minute of every day. It is likely we may never know or feel their impact, but wouldn't it be nice if we took that extra time to....
1. Look your spouse or loved one in the eye before you go your separate ways.
2. Think twice before you get annoyed at the slowness of the person driving ahead of you.
3. Smile at the person behind the counter when they hand you a much needed cup of coffee.
4. Pick up the keys for your co-worker who dropped them when he jumped up from his desk.
5. Listen to the child sitting in the car with you instead of talking on your phone.
6. Eat the meal prepared for you gratefully with no complaints.
7. Complete a chore at home without frustration.
8. Call a friend or relative and ask them how they are.
9. Appreciate the sweet escape offered by your favorite movie, television show or book.
10. Be well in the knowledge that you have done your best even when you have doubt.
Because, maybe...
The tired look in your loved one's eyes reminds you he has been working late preparing for a big meeting today; the person driving ahead of you is about to take their first driver's test; the coffee server is expecting the results of her state bar exam; your co-worker just found out he is about to become a father; the child in the car wants to tell you he scored the highest grade in the class on that difficult test; a slightly burnt dinner was prepared in celebratory haste because the meeting was a success; the simple task of folding two day old laundry is re-assuring because the teenager who normally folds it is finishing the last page of her college application; the relative from far misses you and tells you they will see you soon; that sweet escape reminds you of a cherished memory; you know without a doubt that even this seemingly small and simple day is a blessing.
Take the time and God Bless.